A sunnier morning, a later start. Coffee and butteries consumed. It must be…
Pitchin’ time.
Who will make the pitch walk this morning? #odcamp pic.twitter.com/8GIGyDIjI7
— Adam Tinworth (@adders) November 4, 2018
- Diversity and inclusion in #OpenData – this is a very white and male Open Data Camp – lute’s talk about changing that
- Open Data – Health & Social Care. What is it. Where is it and how can we add to it responsibly?
- Open Contracting Data – let’s talk about it
- Crowd-sourced data quality issues
* Data quality is important – should there be a quality process before it is published?
* Structured data, authoritative data & registers
* What Open Standards should Government mandate?
Have just pitched a session called "Tell Terence How To Do His Job". What could possibly go wrong?#odcamp
— Terence Eden is on Mastodon (@edent) November 4, 2018
- Open Data Events – what could be better? What was good? How should you run an event?
- Joy Diversion – ODI Manchester project. Let’s do a Lite version in Aberdeen!
- If you are private sector, why would you care about Open Data?
- How can government organisation be better producers of data?
Pitching is underway for #odcamp day two. Ideas so far include discussion of #opendata quality and registers, confidentiality, and an #Aberdeen version of the ODI Manchester Joy Diversion walkabout. Follow the sessions on https://t.co/TXuSu2DqJt liveblog pic.twitter.com/akuz58nSIg
— Drawnalism Live (@DrawnalismLive) November 4, 2018
- What are the limits of Big Data?
- The balance between confidentiality and utility in open data.
- The UK Government is regularly the top performer in releasing open data – but UK local government is terrible at it. Why?
Here is @digitalwestie highlighting that it appears that not a single @scotgov branch represented at #odcamp despite it being run in Scotland for the first time. pic.twitter.com/DzD9fNtYBn
— Ian Watt (@watty62) November 4, 2018
- Building engagement around open data – how do we do that well?
- Geospacial Committee and the National GeoSpacial Strategy
- Tools – for gathering and sharing data. What they use. What they don’t use. And what’s missing?
- Use of Open Data in the wider economy
- How do we raise awareness and discoverability of open data?
- DCMS Loneliness Strategy – data to bring people together.