Open Data Camp Belfast: Day Two Pitches

A good turnout for a Sunday morning, as we get ready for the pitches. But we have someone significant here…

And we’re off…

The Pitches

  • How do you effectively engage the tech community to use open government data?
  • Accessible file formats. Is there life beyond the five stars of open?
  • ODI Nodes – what are they and why should you care?
  • Open data and art – storytelling.
  • The impact of private sector demand on open data.
  • Why map open data? What do you get out of it? What data sources do you use?
  • Create a shared doc about the reasons people don’t use open data – and solutions
  • How do you overcome data quality concerns? Good enough – is it good enough?
  • Who owns the data? How do you get it open, how do you share it – and how do you deal with people withdrawing?

  • How you use open data for public good…
  • Dog-fooding brain-picking. How? What’s the best way?
  • Case Studies of NI open data: what have we done for you lately?
  • Data Catalogues – what are they and why do you publish them?


  • Data Ethics Canvas – ethics before compliance!
  • Open Data Challenges – how can we do them better?
  • Gender data in the UK
  • What do we do about wrong or inaccurate open data? Where are the 100m trees in Belfast?
  • Meta-metadata – why do we publish it? Why should we publish it? What annoys us?
  • Open data careers – there’s a lot of public or ex-public sector people here. How do you get involved – and what’s next?
  • Building APIs for open data
  • How can the community overcome arcane attitudes to data?

  • FSA – the open data journey (with a focus on reference data)
  • What’s the value of Open Data Camp to the local economy?
  • Chatham House session on government data in the face of GDPR
  • How can we help charities do more with open data?